1Mute music

By the Grace of God
So Our Love Brings New Meaning to Live
We Joyfully Request The Honor of Your Presence at Our Marriage


The First Son Of
Mr. Robinson (✟ )
Mrs. Gina


Hana Kristina Santoso

The Third Daughter of
Mr. Santoso Hardjojuwono
Mrs. Djoa Jok Tjia

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception

(Family Only)

00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes
00 Seconds

Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Lokasi Acara

Kalimat Mutiara

"So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate"

Matthew 19:6

Ucapan & Doa

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Happy Wedding Hana & Hendy.. happilyyy ever after 💖
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Happy wedding day ya hendy & hana. Wishing you a happy marriage.GBU
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Happy wedding ko hendy n hana!! Gemes bgt tyt kalian ber 2 jodoh hihi. Godbless your marriage!
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Michael camilly
Happy Weddinggg bro...
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Smoga Hana & Hendi slalu Bahagia dalam pernikahan dan diberkati dalam segala hal Amen GBU ❤️🤗
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Lidwina Olivia
Happy Wedding Ko Hendy & Ci Hana!! Wishing you a marriage life filled with love and happiness ❤. God bless your marriage and your new little family 🤗.
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Raymond T.
Happy wedding Hendy & Hana. GBU !
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Happy wedding dear hana & hendy.. 💖💖
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新婚快乐呀我的宝!时间过得真快,你都要结婚啦!今后一定要天天开心!祝愿你们幸福美满!Once again, Happy Wedding Hana!❤️
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Happy wedding bro, selamat menempuh hidup baru
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Happy Wedding Hendy &Hana..smoga prosesi berjalan lancar.. berbahagia sll dlm cinta sejati bersama Tuhan yg telah mempertemukan & akan menyatukan kalian.
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Happy wedding double H ,Hendy & Hana, wishing you lifetime of love and happiness
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Hi Han, Happy wedding with ko Hendy. Wishing you a long and happy marriage and may God bless you and your union🥰
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Hi Hana and Hendy, wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.
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Congratulations on your wedding hana and handy . May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together
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Yosua PW
Happy Wedding Miss Hana & Hendy. Wish you happy ever after. Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together. 💐❤. Gbu
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Happy Wedding Hana&hendy: wishing both of you a lifetime of love and happy together after old together😍
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Ega vonytria
Happy wedding ya sist...lancar jaya sampe hari H nya, wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness
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Grady Carlova
Happy Wedding Hana & Hendy wishing both of you a lifetime love and happiness. God bless 🙏
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Happy Wedding Ko Hen & Hana, selamat menempuh hidup baru 😊
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Yehezkiel and Sheila
Happy Wedding Hana and Husband! Sorry cant be there.. Hope you two have a blissful marriage. Happily ever after. God bless you two abudantly. 🎉
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happy wedding Lovebird!! kawal sampe halall 🥰🥰
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Wawan & Keluarga
Saya mengucapkan selamat ya Ko 😁 semoga Koko dan Istri selalu diberikan kebahagian Aamiin 🙏😁
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God bless your marriage Hendy and Hana. The best is yet to come ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Happy weddingg ko hendy & hana!! Smoga pernikahannya selalu dilimpahi kebahagiaan, langgeng trs smpe kakek nenek , cpet dpt hana/hendy junior 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️🧡🧡🧡
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Albert Al & Angel
Happy wedding Ko Hendy ! Semoga bahagia selalu sama istri sampe Tuhan memisahkan. God Bless you all !
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Laurensius Batistuta
Happy wedding ko Hendy!! Happy marriage life 🥂
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Ko Hendy and Hana, happy marriageeee, semoga pernikahannya diberkati Tuhan smp akhir hayat ☺☺, lancar sampai hari H, selamat berbahagiaaaaa
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Happy Wedding ko Hendyy! so happy for you 🥺🥺🥺God bless your marriage
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Dea and Andre
Happy Wedding day Hana and ko Hen! Long last and may you live happy moments ahead 💕
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Happy Wedding Hendy & Hana. Semoga bahagia dan langgeng selalu ya ♥️
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Happy Wedding Day Hendy & Hana. Wish you all the most beautiful wedding day and ahead times together!
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Hendra & Clara
Congrats Ko Hen dan Hana.. happy for you two. Semoga lancar semuanya dan diberkati selalu GBU!
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Aha n Debora
Temen dari jaman fitness bareng, sekolah, kuliah dan akhirnya membentuk “three idiots” bersama 😂. Congrats for both of you, Hendy and Hana, may the best come into your life! God bless you!
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Yohana Naibaho
Selamat yah Hana and Hendi. Lancar2 acaranya, smoga menjadi keluarga yang selalu di berkati Tuhan bahagia selamanya. Doain gw nyusul lo yah hehehe... Aminn
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Indah & Ical
Aww🥺 lancar beb sampe hari H… sehat2 ✨ sending love for both of youuu💖
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Andrew R
Semoga awet sampe kakek nenek, punya anak anak yg sehat pandai berbakti sama orangtua, selamat ya bro Hendy n pasangan.
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Ommooo hendy, tak disangkahhhh lu jadi anyonghaseo banget, xi xi xi, Congrats yak, lancar sampai hari H, bahagia selamanya with istri 🙏🏻
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Congratsss bebb! So happy for u 🥰 Lancar yaaa persiapannya, jaga kesehatan. God bless u two, lovebirds 💖
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hana cantiikkk wah congrats yaa nok. lancar sampe hari H. happily ever after. Gbu
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Ci yaya
Happy wedding hanaaaaaa and ko hen..lancar semuanya yahh , Tuhan berikan berkat dan damai sukacita selalu dalam kehidupan pernikahan yang baru kalian akan masuki.. God Bless yaahh
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Ko Ezra
Selamat ya Hanna kecil..best wishes Hendy & Hanna.
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Happy wedding Hana & Ko Hen…. Finally hannn hehehe. doa nya lancar2 smpai hari H, Happily ever after hann 😘! welcome to the world of merried. Jesus Bless 🤗🤗
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Alvin & Herna
Congratulation for you guys. Best wisher for you both Hendy & Hana. Happily Ever After yah. Langsung Gas Gas Gaaaaaassssss. Anak pertama cwe juga yah 🙂 God bless your new journey.
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Pat & Selly
Best wishes Hendy & Hana 🎉🎉🎉 May the both of you live happily blessed with children and good health.
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Aby 💕
Selamat untuk kalian berdua.. semoga langgeng hingga maut memisahkan.. doa yang terbaik selalu untuk kalian.. God bless.. kuy honeymoon kuy 🥰🥰🥰
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Angela Melati
Happy wedding ya Hana dan Ko Hendy, semoga langgeng dan rumah tangganya selalu diberkati Tuhan Yesus.
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Congrats Hendy and Hana, lancar2 wedding preparationnya. I wish you always be happy and stay in love together forever 🙂
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Yan + Erna
Congrats Hendy dan Hana.. Semoga lancar yah dan selalu di berkati selamanya..
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Ricky and Vero
Congratz Hendy & Hana, lancar2 acara nya dan bahagia selalu sampe maut memisahkan. GBU
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Congratulations hana !!! Teman lembur ku haha happily ever after ya ! 🥰🥰
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Christopher & Monica
Congrats to one of my best friend! I am so happy for both of you (after a long time annoying us for being single and miserable). May you both eagerly welcome the new life ahead, Stay healthy, happy, and annoying. God bless you both abudantly! 🙂
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Alex & Devi
Finally you did it! Congratulation for you guys. Always hope the best for you and welcome to new life. Stay healthy and be together until the end of life. Cheers!
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Irsan & Lenny
Congratulations both of you, no words can describe how happy i am for you both, my childhood friend, my true friend and my bestfriend .. i wish u all the happiness in the world and pray that both of you always be together until death do you apart.. once again, congratulation both of you.
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Happy wedding Hana & Kko!! Im so happy for you! Hv a wonderful journeyy Han!l God bless you!❤️😘


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Hendy & Hana

Website Invitation
by Kondangankuy.com
