Andrian Ludy (Didi)
Song Eun Hye (Vivian)


Together with our families
We request the honor of your presence to our wedding

Andrian Ludy

Third child of
Mr. Julian Ludy
Mrs. Rina


Song Eun Hye

Only daughter of
Mr. Kang Shin Man
Mrs. Kim Mi Ok

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception

Dress Code

00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes
00 Seconds

Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Share the Moments

Please share our precious moments with special Instagram filters that can be used by pressing the button below:

Live Streaming Pernikahan

Dikarenakan masa pandemik Covid-19
sehingga kami tidak dapat mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
untuk menghadiri acara kami

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i tetap dapat menyaksikan acara pernikahan kami yang telah kami siapkan secara live yang dapat dibuka melalui tombol berikut:

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :



makes all things possible
make all things easy
make all things work

Cerita Cinta

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Wedding Wish

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Hank & Yanling
Heartfelt congratulations to Didi & Vivian. You guys are great together. So happy for you two! Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new life together.
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Congratulations to both of you . May your journey together be blessed with happiness and longeviry. Loveliest couple . See you in March
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Ricky Ferlino Wijaya
Congratulations to Didi and Vivian !
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Yovita Aurora
Happiness and a lot of wealth
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Congratulations, wishing you a lifetime of happiness! Here’s to forever 💖✨
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Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness
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Jonathan & Stephanie
Congratulations! We are both very excited for the both of you and honoured to be invited to witness this beautiful marriage!!
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Wisman Agus
Congratulations on your Marriage . I wish you both the best.
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결혼을 너무너무 축하합니다항 🎉 행복한 날들만 있기를!!!!🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
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I am so honoured to be able to witness such a joyous. Am so excited to see what the future will hold for you both
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Grow old together!
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Lenny Wijaya
wishing you both happily ever after
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Kwang Tju
Congratulations to Didi and Vivian!
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Congratulations to Didi and Vivian on your marriage!
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Andry & Rika
Congrates to Didi & Vivian.... Lots lots of happy, love, joy ... Finally the day that we've been waiting is coming... Cheers to both you...👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏♥️🎉🎊
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사랑해 비비야❤️❤️ 결혼 너무너무 축하하고 함께 축복해줄수 있어서 너무 감사해 디디랑 비비랑 알콩달콩 행복하게 잘살아💕💕
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Marcello & Audrey
May you guys bond in eternal love
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Billy Yap
Congratulations !!
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Boon Vin Zhan
"Congrats the both of you , Cant wait to be there on the big day as well ❤️ P.s - I’ll help tank some drinks for brother didi 😝"
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Daniel Tanzil & Vionnie Sutantio
Congratulations! Wishing you lots of love and happiness. We’re so happy to celebrate this day with you both. Cheers to happily ever after!
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So happy!!!
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congratulations didi and vivi , wishing both of you lifetime happiness !!
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Charlie & mega
Congratulation Didi & Vivian May your marriage filled with love, respect and understanding. Best wishes for a happy and fulfilling life together.
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Ko Kin
selamat menempuh hidup baru , ingat bro...jangan beli baju yg banyak lagi , karena sekarang lemari di pake berdua.
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Wishing both of you enjoy your day forever ❤️
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Chester Lee
Congratulations on your marriage! Wishing you nothing but endless love and joy!
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God bless
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Lim Lily
Happy Wedding Didi & Vivi
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Semoga langgeng sampai kakek nenek dan keluarga harmonis
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Gavin Lim
All the best
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Lucas Tan
Best wishes to Didi and Vivian for a lifetime of happiness together!
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Richie Limson
Wish both of you happiness for the rest of your lives❤️
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Rudi voller
Happily ever after
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Rudi agus sanyoto
I wish you both Happiness throught the rest of your life...
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Miran Yoo
Having a enjoyful time together 🤍
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Richie Limson
Wish both of you happiness for the rest of your lives ❤️
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Ko cung
Semoga langgeng sampai maut memisahkan.
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Erina Lachaud
We really happy and wish both of you happiness for rest of your lives 🥰❤️🌷
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I love you vivi, I wish you and didi happy forever ❤️❤️❤️

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below

a/n Agnes

a/n Hendra Susanto


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Didi & Vivian

Website Invitation
