
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Together with their families
Request the pleasure of your company as they joyfully unite in marriage

Nia Saputri

Daughter of
Mr. Eri Saputra
Mrs. Nuraini


Shafiz Ahmad

Son of
Mr. H. Ayub Ali
Mrs. Hosne Ara Begum

Save The Date

Ijab Qobul

Wedding Reception


Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it



وَمِنْ ءَايَٰتِهِۦٓ أَنْ خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَٰجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوٓا۟ إِلَيْهَا وَجَعَلَ بَيْنَكُم مَّوَدَّةً وَرَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَءَايَٰتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

Wa min āyātihī an khalaqa lakum min anfusikum azwājal litaskunū ilaihā wa ja'ala bainakum mawaddataw wa raḥmah, inna fī żālika la`āyātil liqaumiy yatafakkarụn

And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

QS. Ar - Rum : 21

Cerita Cinta

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Wedding Wish

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Salam Sumon congratulations you and our Babi Alla blees jou people and wish happy and wonderful time with togather .
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Heel veel plezier samen!!! Enjoy your stay together!
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Efisio, Nicole, Sara and Mauro Puddu
Beautiful bridal couple, we wish you lots of love, happiness and health. You looked beautiful. We would have loved to have been there, but we will certainly see many more beautiful photos and videos. For now enjoy this special time. Lots of love Efisio, Nicole, Sara and Mauro Puddu
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Ik wens jullie een hele fantastische dag toe xx Sterre
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Barakallahu lakuma wa baraka alaikuma wa jama'a bainakuma fi khair. Wish you sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah
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Lincoln Yeo
Wishing you and your dearest hubby on the beginning of the best journey in your lives
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Dyah Gayatri
Happy Wedding Mbak Nia dan Suami,, semoga me njadi keluar Sakinah Mawardah wa Rahmah,,, Bahagia sampai ke Jannah 😘😘😘
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Ani k
Selamat ya mba Nia dan suami semoga menjadi keluarga yg samawa bahagia sampai akhir hayat...aamiin yr
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Laura dan keluarga
Barakallahu laka, wabaaraka'alaika, wajamaa'a bainakumaa fii khoir Selamat dik ALLAH mudahkan dan semoga selalu "SALING" Membawa kebaikan dan menambah kebahagian untuk semuanya, Menambahkan kekuatan dan keberkahan, semoga ALLAH SWT titip kan keturunan yg soleh dan soleha, Doa terbaik untuk kalian, 😘
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Matthew Spijker
Dear Mia and Ahmad, I wish you a prosper and lovely mariage!
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Hi Mahek and Mia, I hope this say will be as special as wished for. Congratulations and hope to celebrate it again with you soon here in Assen!
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Team Bella Italia
Dear Mia and Ahmad, We wish you an amazing day tomorrow and a beautiful life together. Hope your life will be filled with love, joy, happiness, smiles and amazing moments together! Congratulations you on this special day!!!
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Prashant & Siti
Dear Nia & Shafiz Wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness together. Congratulations on your special day and the beginning of your beautiful journey as a married couple!
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Bambang Hasanudin dan Keluarga
Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru Semoga Sakinah,Mawadad,Warahmah Aamiin
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Deny Cahyadi
Selamat menempuh hidup baru... Selamat menempuh bahtera rumah tangga... Semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah.
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Kak lina
Selamat menempuh hidup baru... semoga dilancarkan dan dimudahkan semua nya sampai hari h.. SAMAWA till Jannah ya dek...
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Selamat menempuh hidup baru semoga sakinah mawadah warohmah aamiin
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Ade tryana putri
soon the prayers that are always prayed for, God willing, will come, hopefully always in the protection of Allah SWT and hopefully everything will be smooth, sad, touched, ups and downs, happy has been passed, welcome to a new life, my ebey happily ever after
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Happy wedding nia and ahmad semoga lancar menuju hari H dan di beri kesehatan.. aamiinn yrb
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Bunda Ely dan Nabila Mutiara View
Happy Wedding Nia dan suami. Semoga Sakinah Mawaddah Warohmah. aamiin
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Ferry Mutiara View
Happy wedding and Sakinah Mawadah warrohmah family
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Bu Amie
Semoga lancar sampai di hari H. Dua insan InsyaAllah akan bersatu dengan mengucapkan janji setia hingga akhir hayat.
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Happy wedding bey, akhirnya penantian itu tiba 🥳 doa terbaik selalu menyertai dan terus berbahagia 🙏
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Mursyid Hidayat, SH, MKn.
Happy Wedding Nia... Semoga sakinah, mawaddah dan warrohmah...
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Om Fahri
Selamat dek...semoga lancar sampe hari H , keberkahan selalu menyertai dikehidupan baru samawa until jannah dek 🤲🤲🥰
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Dhonny Firdana
Selamat menempuh hidup baru yang penuh berkah dan penuh kebahagiaan…
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Matthew Ong
Wishing the newly weds many happy, fruitful and great years ahead!
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Cici & Aslam
We wish you both a blessful marriage till jannah and may this be the best journey of a new chapter of your lives. We wish you all a joy, love and happiness on your wedding day. Selamat Halal~ 😊🫰
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Aldo & Rury
Congrats Kak Nia, Semoga dilancarkan segalanya untuk Pernikahannya 🙏
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Amudia & Leo, Plamo Garden
Wish you all the best Dear Sweet couple, May Allah always Bless you and gives you all The needs which is necessary for your peaceful life
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Vivi The Palace Grand Batam
Selamat kak Nia dan Kak Ahmad , semoga menjadi keluarga yang Sakinah Mawaddah Warohmah 🥰🙏🏻
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Nindi & Spouse
ni, rasanya baru kmaren kita jadi temen SMP.. seminggu lagi jadi hari bahagiamu syg.. Semoga Allah rahmati, ridhoi dan berkahi jalan kemudian hari yaa sayangkuu.. Aku bahagia banget denger kabar ini, nia bakal ad yg jaga setiap harinya.. Langgeng sampe jannah yaa sayang, i will come to ur special day honey 🤍
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আল্লাহ পাক বিয়া কবুল করুন । রহমত বরকত ও ভালবাসা দিয়া ঘর টা পরিপূর্ন করি দাও । আমিন।
আল্লাহ পাক বিয়া কবুল করুন । রহমত বরকত ও ভালবাসা দিয়া ঘর টা পরিপূর্ন করি দাও । আমিন।
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Rara & Helmi (Surabaya)
Bismillah semoga lancar sampai dengan hari H Kak Nia & Bang Ahmad 🤗 semoga menjadi keluarga yang Sakinah Mawadhah Warohmah dalam keberkahan Allah, ikut senang kaaa🤍
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Tante Rina
Insyaallah lancar ya dek,🤲😍doa tan semoga kekal sampe akhir hayat , terutama mnjd istri sholeha dlm rmh tangga ,,,bahagia selalu dlm kehidupan yg baru akan djalankan,,sehat2 sampe hari H ,,Aamiin ❤️🤲
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Selamat ya nia dan Ahmad..semoga menjadi keluarga yg Sakinah Mawaddah Warohmah..Aamiin 💕
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Icha Soepeno
Dear Niaa, Congratulation on your wedding with Ahmad. I wish you both all the happiness as you embark to a new journey in life as husband and wife. May your life will be filled with continuous happiness, laughters and falling in love over and over again, and thank you for allowing me to be part of the wedding. I will see you both very soon!
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Aceng dan Isteri
Barakallahu Laka WA jama'a bainakuma fi khairin... Semoga Allah jadikan keluarga yang SAKINAH MAWADDAH DAN WARAHMAH serta diberikan keturunan yang sholeh... Aamiin
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Iqbal M
wah selamat mbak Nia, semoga lancar acaranya ya, langgeng selamanya serta makin cuan jg investasinya
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Shuvo Haque
Dear Breother I’m very happy to here that you’re going to complete sunnah from our prophet Mohammad (SA). I strongly wishing you happy married life together until jannah 💐
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Naomi Dissel
Gefeliciteerd met jullie huwelijk!
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Naomi Dissel
Gefeliciteerd met jullie huwelijk!
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Mohammad Murad
I strongly wishing you and your life partner for happy married life💐. From me is the best gift for you dua from my heart, May Allah fulfill your all dreams together and make a good life together insha'Allah🤲🏽. Many thanks for inviting me☺️
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Ibrahim Mumuni
Beste Maheak, Wish you the beste with the step taking and you have taken the beste step in life .
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Andra Perdanakusuma
Dear Nia and Ahmad, Thank you for letting us share your special day. We wish you both all the happiness in the world. May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy. Cheers to a lifetime full of happiness and love. Hugs and kisses, Andra Yoga Azzra and Aleina ❤️
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Andra Perdanakusuma
Dear Nia and Ahmad, Thank you for letting us share your special day. We wish you both all the happiness in the world. May the years ahead be filled with lasting joy. Cheers to a lifetime full of happiness and love. Hugs and kisses, Andra Yoga Azzra and Aleina ❤️
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Michael Nio
Congrats Mbak Nia!! Finally you’re getting married really soon. Your greatest adventure has just begun, wishing you the best as you embark on this next chapter of your life.
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Michael Nio
Congrats Mbak Nia!! Finally you’re getting married really soon. Your greatest adventure has just begun, wishing you the best as you embark on this next chapter of your life.
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Herwick Tan & Spouse
Dear Nia and Shafiz Ahmad , we are very honoured and feeling privileged to be invited attending your wedding. We would have been happy being at the ceremony, were it not that we already have commitments. So, very much to our regret we will not be able to attend. We are convinced it will be a glorious event and wish both of you all the best for a happy and prosperous togetherness In good health. All good wishes, warmest regards, Herwick Tan and Spouse.
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ika wulandari
congratulation nia.. semoga lancar sampai hari H sakinah mawaddah warahmah . Amin
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Making lots of Dua for my favourite uncle and his lovely bride!! May your marriage be blessed with joy and happiness Inshallah
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Rima dan musi
selamat menempuh hidup baru kakak syg❤️
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Congratulations, Mba Nia! 😍 You’re finally getting hitched! 🥳 Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together. May you always be able to put up with each other!
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Norhadi dan isteri
Barakallah fiq Semoga mahligai yg dibina kekal hingga ke jannah dan diberkahi oleh Allah swt.. In Syaa Allah aamiin
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Selamat menempuh hidup baru ya, semoga langgeng sampai kakek nenek.
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Ida Mustapa
Alhamdullilah Sudah ketemu jodoh nya. Buat Nia & Ahmad, saya doakan agar pernikahan ini berkekalan hingga ke Jannah dan Semoga majlis ini berjalan dengan lancar dan di permudahkan semua urusan.
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Farid Tri Dewanto
Selamat yaa Nia & Ahmad, selalu bahagia bersama sampai kakek nenek dan selamanya... Aamiin
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Dedi Haryadi
Congratulations Nia & Ahmad ❤️ Together Forever til Jannah 💐 Aamiin 🤲🤲🤲
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Wiryanto Wiryatmoko
Selamat mbak Nia n Mas Ahmad, lancar semuanya. Berkah sampai kaki nini ya.
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Wita Sari
Congratulations mba Nia & Ahmad 😍😍😍 Semoga dilancarkan sampai hari pernikahan dan selamanya yaa.. dapat menjadi keluarga yg sakinah mawadah warahmah, bahagia selalu bersama, dikabulkan dan disegerakan harapan2 baik nya.. Aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin.. 🤲🏼🤲🏼 I’m happy for you mbaa!! 😍😍😍
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Ava Sany
Selamat ya Nia dan Ahmad Semoga samawa dan bahagia selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT .. Aamiin Congratulations!! 💐
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Netty Fairus Firaaz
Happy and terharu .. finally Nia and Ahmad congratulation for your new journey ... tidak ada kata yang lebih indah daripada untaian doa yang terucap tulus dan ikhas semoga Nia dan Ahmad selalu mendapatkan keberkahan dalam perjalanan rumah tangganya. Aamiin
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Gerald Ng
Cheers to the happy couple. Congratulations!
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Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.
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Anni Ulviera
Barakallahu laka, wabaaraka'alaika, wa jama'a bainakumaa fii khoir Semoga menjadi pasangan yg berbahagia hingga ke syurga, diberikan keturunan yg shallih shalliha.. Aamiin Yaa Rabb
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Nia adekku yg sangat baik, I’m really proud of u both Semoga langgeng hingga akhir hayat ya sayang Aamiin ya robbal alamiiiin
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Hasni yati ( yati ) kampa
Insya Allah lancar sampai hari H dan menjadi keluarga SaMaWa Amin
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Wishing you a blissful wedded life filled with love, joy, and happiness as long as you both shall live.
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Jakir hosain
keep wish for wedding ceremony
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Semoga lancar sampai hari H... menjadi kluarga sakinah mawahdah warohmah. Dan segera dkaruniakan momongan Aamiin ya Alloh🤲😇🥰🫰
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To a life time of happiness, love and each other ❤️
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Kai Yuan
Wishing the beautiful couple a happy and blissful marriage!
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Yosa rief dela
Smoga di mudahkan dan di lancarkan allah prosesi hari bahagiiaa nia ,, aamiin
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Insya Allah lancar sampai hari H dan menjadi keluarga SaMaWa. Amin 😘
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"Wishing you all of the love and happiness!" Loveeeeeeeee youuuuuuuu
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Hana Karmila
semoga lancar pestanya yaa kak niaaa

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below

Paynow SG - Nia Saputri

an. Nia Saputri


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Nia & Ahmad

Website Invitation
by Kondangankuy.com
