Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
We request the honour of your presence to celebrate our child’s Birthday:
Pratista Alessia Zahrany
Born :January 16th 2015
Lovely daughter
Bobby Noviannendra
Anis Kusjayanti
Save The Date
Birthday Party
Share the Moment
Please share our precious moments with special Instagram filters that can be used by pressing the button below:
"Happy 6th Birthday Alessia.
Yeaaayy , this is your day.
Thankyou for being a good girl all this time
You are the best daughter and the best sister ever Hope you always happy,
always bring us your beautifull smile all the time.
We love you Kakak Cia "
Wishes and Prayer
Maximum invitation for 4 people
Thank you for all the wishes and prayer.
We look forward to your presence
Bobby and Anis