By the Grace of God
So Our Love Brings New Meaning to Live
We Joyfully Request The Honor of Your Presence at Our Marriage

Hendrik Junaidi

The first son of
Mr. Mantik junaidi (Cutek)
Mrs. Tomini (Ango)



The first daughter of
Mr. Ryan widjaja (Alay)
Mrs. Meilyana (Pingping)

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception



Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Share the Moment

Please share our precious moments with special Instagram filters that can be used by pressing the button below:

Virtual Wedding

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :


So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.

Matthew 19:6 ESV

Love Story

14 Mei 2018 - Pertemuan pertama lagi

Di hari ini Hje pindah ke Jakarta dari Medan. Memang kami sudah kenal sejak 2013, namun baru bertemu kembali di hari ini. Dimana Hje datang ke rumah Val untuk acara ulang tahun mami.

18 Nov 2018 - Pacaran

Di hari ini kami sedang di Medan, Hje bilang mau kenalin Val ke keluarga nya di Medan. Ternyata he asked me to be his girlfriend this day!

18 Nov 2021 - Our Engagement

Hari dimana kami bertunangan dengan mengundang beberapa keluarga terdekat dan teman terdekat kami.

08 Sep 2023 - Sangjit Day

Di hari ini keluarga Hje datang dan melamar Val untuk jadi istri Hje.

16 Sep 2023 - Wedding Day

Finally Tuhan mengijinkan kami melangsungkan pernikahan kami di hari ini. Setelah 5 tahun berpacaran, akhirnya kami bisa sah menjadi pasangan suami istri. Thanks Lord Jesus!

Wedding Wish

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Lina Wi
Happy Wedding both of you ❤️ It’s been wonderful seeing you grow up and today as you are all set, you are getting married!! I’m truly happy you’ve fallen in love with the person who bring out the best of you. Best wishes for Hje and Valen for a lifetime of joy together. God Bless ❤️❤️
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Meilia Gracechillia
Congrats and Happy Wedding for both of you !! The two of you are meant for each other. My very best wishes to the both of you for a wonderful life together 💞
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Kelvin & felly
happy wedding Valen dan hendrik 😇 selamat menempuh hidup baru dan biarkan Tuhan yang memimpin rumah tangga kalian berdua 😇 God bless 😇
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Marina & Pundawani ( Akiaw)
Happy Wedding When & Valen, semoga rukun & bahagia slalu , langgeng sampai kakek & nenek, acaranya lancar, cepat pnya anak 🙏
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Vika & Ferdi
Congratulations lovebirds! Cheers for a long and happy life together🥂
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Claudia & Osmond
Happy Wedding Ahen & Valen, Enjoy your last moment preparation on wedding & may God always bless you till D-day! Happily ever after too ^^
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Susi & Rey
Happy wedding valen dan Doi semoga bahagia selalu, sampai kakek nenek yah, selalu happy dalam suka dan duka pokoknya doa yang terbaik buat kalian Tuhan berkati
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Congrats and Happy Wedding, semoga dilancarkan dan bahagia selalu. Selamat menempuh hidup baru🤗🤍
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Congratss ko Ahen & ce Valen😆 Wishing you a long and happy marriage. GBUU
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Sandra Sahertian
Congratulations Val & Hje! Tuhan berkati selalu rumah tangga kalian ❤️
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Congrats hendrick n valen…selamat menempuh hidup baru 🥳🥳🥂🥂
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Dahsjat & kartini S
Selamat berbahagia Haje &Val
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Gracia sumendap
Congratssss for both of you... long last till die.... keep on fire with LOVE... always be enthusiast every day until you get old 🥰🥰 God bless ..
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Congrats Hendrik & Valentine,semoga Tuhan Yesus mencurahkan berkatNya yg berlimpah kpd kalian berdua dan keluarga besar pd hari pernikahan nanti,dilancarkan semuanya,Gbu...🙏
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Happy Wedding for Both of You Langgeng ya sampe kakek nenek dan maut memisahkan Congratzz guys
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Dd Dindaaa
Congrats my beloved cece and kokooo!! Happily ever after amen!!! semoga dilancarkan segala halnyaaaaa
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Rachellia Putri
Congratulations to my dearest sister & brother Val & Hje, kiranya rumah tangga kalian dipenuhi kebahagiaan, kekompakan & berdua terus mengikut Tuhan dengan setia kapanpun dimanapun. Amin
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Irawati Sugeng
congratz the sexiest couple Gbu
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Tami Akbar
Happy Weddingggg Valenn & Hjee ❤️ Bahagiaa selamanya yaaa kaliannnn so happy for both of you 🥰🎉🥂
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happy wedding hj and val wishing you both a happy and prosperous future
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Erwin & Venny
Happy wedding you guys🥰.. Meski ga bisa dateng tapi doa kita selalu yang terbaik untuk kalian, stay crazy and happily ever after 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Ko Hen & Ling C
Kiong hie ya…happy wedding hje n val..luv u guys 😘 GBU
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congratulation on your wedding mam&koh haje, dont forget to party🍻🥂🙃
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Akam ho & Fam
Congrats guys... Selamat datang di dunia suami istri. Semoga langgeng sampe kakek nenek ya. All the best wishes for you guys.
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happy wedding hje & val. Akhirnya bisa keluar di dalam yah🤣
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Bobby Hasim
Happily ever after untuk Hendrik dan istri
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Happy Wedding Velen & Hendrik ❤❤❤
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Melisa Wijaya
HAPPY WEDDING ci val & ko hje !!! so happy for both of you 🥹
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Jo & vio
Happy wedding adek2 ku🥰 so happy for both of u🥰 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Jaymes Riyanto
Congrats ya Ahen n Valen , the most blessed couple on the earth ...mohon maaf ga bisa hadir berhubung ada kerjaan yg ga bs ditunda. Tq n God Bless ya
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Hendry wijaya
Hepi wedding my lil brother.. ❤️Congratulations Hendrik & valencia dijaga y adik gw valen.. GOD BLESS U 😇
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ยินดีด้วย เรามาบินให้สูงขึ้นกันเถอะ
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Fernando taslim
Congratulation hje & val. Lancar2 semua ya Diusahakan untuk hadir ya
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Robert Susanto
Two special people, one amazing love! Dear friends, enjoy your love that grows with every single day and knows no ending. the most heart congratulations on your wedding day!
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Congratulations ci valen & ko hje!! God bless you two and wishing you joy, love, and happiness🤍
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Kevin & Ivy
Selamatt crot dalem Hje & Valen! 💕💕 kionghiii semoga samawa ya ges ya guys! Welcome to married lofe!
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Akhirnyaa bisa keluar di dalem ya bund 😂😂 bahagia selalu val&hje 😘
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congratulations dear valen! lancar2 persiapannya yaaa.. so happy for both of you <3
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Cindy T
Thanks for the invitation babe sorry can’t be there 😭 Very happy for you! All the best wishes xx 🤍
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Congrats cival & ko hje!!!! god bless you two & wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness ❤
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behh behhh pasangan terkece 2023 dah iniii, congrats hje & val, langgeng sampe kakek nenek ya sesuai kado ultah gw kemaren 🤣 sorry nihh gbsa datenggg thankyou udh di undang 🙏🏻
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Yaaaaaay akhirnya............, Congrats Hen & Val. God bless you two. Stay awesome sampe akhir waktu berdua guys...... Happy happy happy always....
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Cindythia Putri
congratulations and wish u happy ever after 🤍
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Jimmy Wijaya
Selamat ... !! Haleluyaa ... !!
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Rakhan Devana
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Buche Yossie
Selamaatttt… ! Cepet2 punya ddek yang di impikan yahhh 💋💋

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below



Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Hje & Val

Website Invitation


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Wash Hands

Social Distancing

Avoid shake hands with others

Temp Check

Bring Sanitizer

Without diminishing respect in order to reduce the spread of the virus, please follow health protocols and arrive on time according to the time stated on the invitation.

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