By the Grace of God
So Our Love Brings New Meaning to Live
We Joyfully Request The Honor of Your Presence at Our Marriage

Indra Tanto Wijaya

The son of 
Mr. Sumardi
Mrs. Heratini Parisah


Jeanes Jonathan Kristianto

The daughter of
Mr. L. Johanes Kristianto
Mrs. Susilawaty

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception


Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Share the Moment

Please share our precious moments with special Instagram filters that can be used by pressing the button below:

Live Streaming Pernikahan

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i juga dapat menyaksikan acara pernikahan kami yang telah kami siapkan secara live yang dapat dibuka melalui tombol berikut:

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :



for I know the plans I have for you, Declare the LORD, plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

Cerita Cinta

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Wedding Wish

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Hammam Suhada
Perigud periwell sakirana gud tos aya ulti teu acan abi ieu di bap un gu hola dua detik
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Happy wedding for the both of you❤️ semoga akan menjadi keluarga yang dipenuhi kebahagiaan dan berkah, God bless you
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Teng Han Hung & Fam.
Happy Wedding Indra & Jeanes, Happily ever after. GBU
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Rey & Inne
happy wedding indra & jejo!
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Imelda Priciliany
Happy Wedding Jejo & ko Indra 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️💒wish you a married life full of joy, happiness, blessings, and lifetime peace till the end of the life. Langgeng dan bahagia selalu sampai maut memisahkan Diberkati selaluuu keluarga dan anak"nya 🥰🥰❣️❣️ JBU ps : ga sabar jadi onty ni🤗
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Happy wedding jejoooo dan ko indra selamat menempuh hidup baru -Gbu- 🙏😇
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Hans & Windi
eyyyy nyusul juga akhirnya bosku... Lancar sampai hari H. Happy Wedding ya taks... Hahaha
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Supriyatin kayana
Hebat adikku semoga langgeng sayang😘
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Happy wedding jejo dan ko indra Tuhan memberkati selalu dan selamat menempuh hidup baru sebagai suami istri.... 🙏🙏
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Semoga dilancarkan dan dimudahkan semuanya sampai acara selesai. Dan selamat menempuh hidup baru sebagai pasangan suami istri yang selalu diberikan berkat dan Kebahagian. GBU
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Congrats jejoo.. always be happy cancii😚❤️
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Kevin Yericho S
Congrats and happy weeding Dra , lancar sampai hari h yahh 🙏👍
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congrats and happy wedding brody, the real man lah, congrats je
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Happy wedding jejoo and ko indra Godblesss
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Happy wedding jejo dan ko indra Tuhan memberkati selalu 🥳
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congrats ,semoga cepet luges ya klean 🥳
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santha Christie
Happy wedding bot of you!! Gbu always 🥳🥳
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Felicia Prima
happy wedding jejoo dan ko indra!! Tuhan berkati selaluu!! happy2 terus yaaa sampe akhir hayattt!!❤️🙏🏻😇
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Jordy Samantha
Congrats Indra and Jejo! GBU
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Hebat banget nih yah semoga langgeng nih coy bro coy bro nih
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Jori Mozes Nofrianto
Finally, Congratulations my best friend "Indra & Jejo" 🥳so proud of you guys🥹I hope you will always be happy in the present and future... bentar lagi ada yang manggil gw om wkwkw.... Jesus always bless you guys🙏💐
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Mark F
Blessed days ahead lovely couple🙏🏻
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Daniel Calvin
Selamat menempuh hidup yang ga baru-baru amat. Gas tembak dalem 🫶🏻
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Ci Yanti
Happy Wedding Indra n Amoy Ce.. Ciye... ciye.. Amoy Ce Kewong... hahahahhahaha Bahagia senantiasa... Jgn lupa.. Aby mau punya ade , Moy.. Hahahahahahahahhahahaah
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gk terasa keponakan ii udh gede n udh mau nikah,,, congrats ya indra n anes,,, thanks ya udh jagain hansel wkt kecil... happy forever ya nes. GBU indra & jeanes ...
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Finally Je🥹 Tuhan memberkati sampai detik ini, Be Happy kalian berdua🤍
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Indriani & william
Congratulations on your wedding jeanes & indra. Be happy,, be grateful and love each other well. 🥰
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Ciyeee Nikah Happy Wedding Indra & Jeanes, buat aku 2 keponakan cukup hahahaha!
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Tommy modesto dan kluarga
Indra dan anes

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Indra & Jeanes


Website Invitation


Digital Gift

We accept wedding gifts in digital form via the button below:

A.N Indra Tanto Wijaya


This event is carried out in compliance with


As Follows :

Wear Mask

Wash Hands

Social Distancing

Avoid shake hands with others

Temp Check

Bring Sanitizer

Without diminishing respect in order to reduce the spread of the virus, please follow health protocols and arrive on time according to the time stated on the invitation.

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