Jefta & Irene



Tamu Undangan

We Apologize If There is Any Misspelling of Name or Title

With the blessing of the Almighty God and our parents
We are pleased to announce our wedding to you

Jefta Marvel Johanes

First son of
Mr. Johannes Vinus Rusli
Mrs. Venny Febe Nehemia


Natalisia Irene Tridarma

Second Daughter of
Mr. Aris Tridarma
Mrs. Veronica Naomi

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony 

Wedding Reception


Remaining to our Wedding day
We hope you can be part of it

Live Streaming Pernikahan

Dikarenakan masa pandemik Covid-19
sehingga kami tidak dapat mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
untuk menghadiri acara kami

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i tetap dapat menyaksikan acara pernikahan kami yang telah kami siapkan secara live yang dapat dibuka melalui tombol berikut:

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :

Event Location


And the two shall become one flesh.
So they are no longer two but one flesh

Mark 10:8 ESV

Love Story

🩵 2016

The very first met

🩵 Dec 2018

Our friendship began as soon as we became classmate

🩵 May 2019

Go on a date for the first time, as magical as the movie of Aladdin!

🩵 August 2019

Getting to know each other better everyday and enjoy one another’s company. After a long time of waiting, we decided to be the support system for each other.

🩵 Dec 2022

As the time flies, we decided to start writing a new chapter. We’ll be sharing perspective and being the one-call-away for each other. For life!

🩵 March 2024

Finally, we are engaged!

🩵 August 2024

We tie the knot!

Wedding Wish

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Congrats for you Lilian and jefta, may your marriage bring as much happiness to your life. God bless you Lilian and jefta
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Reynold Benyamin Nomleni
Selamat cici dan koko gueh, Tuhan Berkati sampe opa oma yaaaa. Luv luv luv...
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Tepi & Lazu
Happy for youu irene & jeftaa 🙌🏻◡̈. Lancar2 ya hari ini! Enjoy your new season with God!
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Lancar2 ya ampe hari H nya ya , God Bless ya
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Happy Wedding Berkat Tuhan menyertai 🙏😇
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congrats guys, semoga lancar sampe hari H! Sehat2 yaa kaliaan!! Loanglast sampe cucu cicit dst 🤗🥰💗💗
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Congratss kalian berduaa kakak²!! Lancar² semuanya sampe hari h!! God Bless Alwayss!!!!
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Om benny
Congrats yah.. Utk Yefta n Natalia, Tuhan Yesus memberkati pernikahan kalian. Selamat menikmati kehidupan berumah tangga.
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Congratss guyss, semoga lancar smpe hari H!!! Longlast sampai bercicit🙏🙏
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Congratsss, Irennn Jeftaaaa ❤️‍🔥 Lancar2 sampe hari H yaaaa, sampe seterusnyaa, sampe selamanyaaa. Cihuy.
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Congratsss, Irennn Jeftaaaa ❤️‍🔥 Lancar2 sampe hari H yaaaa, sampe seterusnyaa, sampe selamanyaaa. Cihuy.
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William HS
Congrats, may your marriage bring as much happiness to your life as our friendship has brought to mine. God bless
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Congratss kaliann ! Lancar2 semua persiapan sampe hari H !! Sorry ga bisa di sana, but my prayer will be there 🥰🥰
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Michelle Dea
Congratss kaliannnn 💕💕 Lancar2 yaa sampe hari H

Kado Digital

Kami menerima kado pernikahan dalam bentuk digital melalui tombol di bawah ini :

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below


See you on our big day 

Jefta & Irene

Website Invitation
