By the Grace of God
So Our Love Brings New Meaning to Live
We Joyfully Request The Honor of Your Presence at Our Marriage

Brian Christianto Gunawan

Son of
Mr. Trisno Gunawan
Mrs. Melliana Janto

– & –

Karin Liliana

Daughter of
Mr. Wong Tjan Fie
Mrs. Oen Lilianawati

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception


Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Lokasi Acara

Wedding Quote

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Love Story

17 November

The story began in November 2017, when one of Brian’s twin’s friends captured his attention. And Brian decided to mustered up his courage to chat ‘this’ girl. This lucky girl goes by the name Karin, whom he decided to meet in person while he visited Jakarta in December 2017.

25 May

In May 2018, after 6 months knowing each other, they kept in touch and they became closer. Finally, Brian asked Karin to be his girlfriend and that time their love story has just begun.

2 February

February 2020, almost 2 years after they began to be in romantic relationship, Karin and Brian was facing another issue, long-distance relationship. It felt like the year of hardships yet full of responsibilities. But of course, they put more effort to make the relationship works and they are perfectly made for each other! Due to that reason, after all the good and the bad, Brian once again asked Karin to be his future wife. And she definitely said yes!

8 November

But as you know covid-19 put a major hiccup in so many of their plans. But, in November 2020, it didn’t stop Brian and his families came to asked blessings from Karin’s parents. Their good intention accepted warmly by Karin and her family. Blessings and supports from families and friends become the strengths for them to prepare their wedding day.

28 February

The season went on! It finally came to the day of their traditional engagement, known as Sangjit Day. Attended by both Brian and Karin’s families and relatives, they are more than ready to take another step forward. Can’t wait for the big day

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below

Wedding Wish


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Martin & Keisha

Website Invitation


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