By the Grace of God
So Our Love Brings New Meaning to Live
We Joyfully Request The Honor of Your Presence at Our Marriage

Ricky, S.Par

First son of 
Mr. Liong Hon Men
Mrs. Tjitjih Nurwaty


Esterina Willyman

Third daughter of 
Mr. Tjan Tjin Lie (✞)
Mrs. Yohana

Event Detail

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception

Dress Code

dresscode 2

1. Holy Matrimony Dresscode : No Black
2. Referring to Church regulations, guests will be asked to take off their footwear.

With all due respect, our wedding reception is for adults only due to number restrictions.


Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Share the Moment

Bagikan momen berharga kami dengan filter instagram khusus yang dapat digunakan dengan menekan tombol di bawah ini:

Live Streaming Pernikahan

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i dapat menyaksikan acara pernikahan kami yang telah kami siapkan secara live yang dapat dibuka melalui tombol berikut:

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :

Location Holy Matrimony

Location Reception


(And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.)

(Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.)

Bereshis 2 : 23-24
Genesis 2 : 23-24

Cerita Cinta

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Cinta pada Pandangan Pertama - 20 Juni 2018

Indah yang pada saat itu sedang tidak sengaja melihat foto Dimas di instastory salah satu teman kuliah Indah, yaitu Ican langsung terpanah melihat Dimas. Indah pun yang sangat blak-blakan tidak segan untuk memuji paras Dimas yang dia sampaikan lewat temannya tersebut

Wedding Wish

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Happy Wedding ko Ricky dan pasangan
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Happy Wedding Kyyy
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Yansen & Nerissa
Congratss ricky & bebku🎉♥️ Doa yg terbaik n bahagia selalu ya kalian!
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Cinta dan Kasih Sayangnya harus terus ada Seperti Cinta Mula2 Jadian .
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Akhirnya! Lancar2 sampe hari H ya!
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Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness
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Santo & Devi
Congrats buat kalian berduaaaaa... Semoga jadi keluarga yg samawa.. Dan Langsung cuss produksi yaaa.. Bahagia selalu ❤
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Dicky Dharma G
happy wedding ko Ricky & Ci Ester, happily ever after🎉
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ci nana
selamat ya ester n calon suami, lancar sampai hari h ya, langgeng truz ya, sehat selalu n sukses selalu..gbu🙏🫰
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happy wedding ricky and ester 👏🏼👏🏼
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Semoga menjadi keluarga yg bahagia trus dan di berikan momongan yg terbaik
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Rudolof Denis
Happy wedding Ricky and Ester !!! 🥳🥳🥳 enjoy the moment guys
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Congrats Ricky and Ester Godbless both of you to begin new chapter of life 😀
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Marriage not easy, but both of u can do it ! LOVE banyak2 buat kalian.. Lancar Jaya ampe hari H Till death do you part..God Bless
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Congratss ya Ester & Ricky 💕 lancar lancar sampai hari H bahagia terus dan langgeng sampai kakek nenek🥳🥳
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Vita Margareta
akhirnyaaaa ye! hahaha happy for you two, lancar2 sampe hr h lay. stay healthyz✨ cant waitttt🥂
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Konstantin Kevin
Happy wedding ricky & esther!!
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Congratulations Ko Ricky Dan Ester. Happy Wedding🍻🍻🍻
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Congratulations Ricky ❤ Ester. Happy wedding. May love and happiness always fill your days. God bless
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Rico & Eldonia
Asikkk akhirnya ya… congrats ko Ricky & ci Cath ditunggu lancar” sampe ultah ko rico ya 😜
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Riswan & Yohanna
Lancar-lancar sampai hari H yah Riki n Ester. Langgeng terus, bahagia selamanya. God Bless U both always.
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Theo & Bella
Congratzz! Langgeng terus sampe tua! Lancar" sampe hari H! 😇
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Willy & Sonia
Congrats ya kalian! Lancar terus sampe hari H 🖖
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Shekanya & Nia
FINNALYYY U GUYSSS !! Selamat menempuh hidup baruu yesss ❤️❤️❤️ loveeeelovee happy ever afterrr ditunggu kalian memproduksi keponakankuu yess hahaha biar bs playdate kwkwkwwk
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Shekanya & Nia
FINNALYYY U GUYSSS !! Selamat menempuh hidup baruu yesss ❤️❤️❤️ loveeeelovee happy ever afterrr ditunggu kalian memproduksi keponakankuu yess hahaha biar bs playdate kwkwkwwk
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congratss ci ester and partner! may god always with you both in facing a new chapter of life, fulfill what is uncompleted and perfect what is imperfect!
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Mikhael Ricky
Dengan apa kan ku balas segala kebaikan Mu
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Ko david n ci yanti
Congratsss gess, so happy akhirnya kalian menuju halal jg🥰 lancar2 sampe hari H ya🤗
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Congratss cans ku keketh and ricky!! 🫶🫶
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Congrats Ci Ester & Partner, semoga lancar2 ya dr skrg smpe hri H yaa, smoga langgeng2 smpe kakek nenek & cucu cicit🤣, soon buka bisnis nailart & eyelash ya ci biar bs cpt resign Wkkwkw, God Bless & jgn lupa gaya helikopternya KWKWKWK😘😇
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Ci Sri & Husband
CONGRATULATIONS Ester & Ricky! Wishing you both lots of joy and happiness. May it be the start of a wonderful and exciting life together.Lots of love! God bless....
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CONGRATS for Ci Ester and Koh ricky, Semoga melalui Pernikahan kalian, ke depannya bisa mnjadi keluarga yg selalu rukun, Makmur, Sukses, serta selalu disertai oleh Kasih Tuhan. God Bless You Two forever 😄🙏🏻
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Ci Epoy
Congrats to Ester and Ricky, Semoga pernikahan kalian senantiasa penuh berkah, cinta, kasih, sayang dan kebahagiaan. Happy for youu dedek cantik 🤗🥹
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Kenny Lee
Congratulations to Esternnnn and Ricky buat weddingnya! Wishing u joy, love and happiness on ur wedding day and as u begin ur new life together. Temen perjuangan selama 7 taun akhirnya soldout 🥲
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woahhh congrats bep! Lancar sampai hr H ya bep. Jesus Bless You ! 🥹❤️
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Ahhh finally banget ya congrats ci ester and partner 🥰😍😍 wishing u all the happiness u deserve it ci 🫶🏻
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Congratulations to Ester & Ricky on your beautiful wedding day! Wishing you both a lifetime of love, joy, and endless happiness as you begin this new chapter together. May your bond grow stronger with each passing day. Cheers to forever! ♥︎
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Semogaa ci ester dan ko ricky langgeng sampai kakek nenek, dimurahkan rezekinyaa, selalu happy, sehat selalu, dan punya baby ucu🦭💕💕

Wedding Gift

We accept wedding gifts in digital form via the button below:

a.n Ricky

Genta Aulia Ramadhan


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Ricky & Ester


Website Invitation
