By the Grace of God
So Our Love Brings New Meaning to Live
We Joyfully Request The Honor of Your Presence at Our Marriage

Steven Lau

First son of
Mr. Susanto Chandra (Liu Si Kiung)
Mrs. Sutiana (Cong Siek Lie)


Ika Putri Khotama

Second daughter of
Mr. Kokianto Gunawan (Khouw Khiang Meng)
Mrs. Susijati Tedihardjo (Teh Sok Kun) (Alm)

Save The Date

Holy Matrimony

Wedding Reception


Before Our Special Wedding Day
We hope you can be part of it

Share the Moment

Please share our precious moments with special Instagram filters that can be used by pressing the button below:



“We will develop love, we will practice it, we will make it both a way and a basis, take a stand upon it, store it up, and throughly set it going”

Buddha, Samyutta Nikaya

Love Story

2015 - First Met

We have known each other during middle school. But our closeness happened accidently and at the right time

2017 - Start Dating

After 2 years of being closed and have same feeling we decided to start dating on Nov 11

2022 - Engagement

After 5 years being together , we are confident to the next stage

2023 - Wedding

“The succesful marriage is when we falling in love often and always with the same person”

Wedding Wish

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Happy Wedding Ikolauu❤️❤️ langgengg dan bahagia selalu yahh.. welcome to new chapter of life! God bless youu
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congratulations ikaa tepen, semoga langgeng selalu sampe maut memisahkan 🥰❤️ BBU
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Marcel & Tasia
Happy wedding Ika and Tepen.. Bahagia selalu kedepannya.. Langgeng terus sampai maut memisahkan😊
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Happy wedding cii Ikaa ❤️❤️❤️ Semoga langgeng sampai maut memisahkan yaa!!! God bless cici and suami!!❤️❤️❤️
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Congrats Ika & Steven.. semoga cinta & kebahagiaan selalu mengisi hari-hari kalian.. wish u all the best💕
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selamat kawin chuakssssssss
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Happy wedding Steven Ika. Bahagia selau rumah tangga kalian, dikarunia ank ank yg sehat, harmonis dan berkat selalu ya 🤍
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Happy wedding Ika lau Langgeng ya sampai kakek nenek ❤️ bahagia selalu Salam dari anak FOS wkwk
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Noviyanti Natalia
Happy Wedding Ci Ika & Ko Tepen, may your marriage be filled with love, trust, respect, and abundant joy. Happy 'grow old together' yaa!!🫶🏻
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Stevany & Michael
Happy Wedding Ci Ika & Ko Steven Bahagia selalu, semoga berkah selalu rumah tangga nya , BBU both of you 🙏🏻
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antony dan mila
congrats ika dan lau.. cepet punya dedek ya.. hehehe
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Grace & James
congratulations for a new journey guysss! wishing you guys an endless happiness and blessing. tetap setia dan saling menyayangi satu sama lain sampai tua nantiii. god bless both of you 💕
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HAPPY WEDDING IKALAU ❤️ langgeng sampai maut memisahkan dan bersatu kembali dikehidupan selanjutnya~~ God bless both of you always ❤️
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Semoga pernikahan ini hanya di pisahkan oleh maut Di berkahi dengan rejeki yang melimpah Anak anak yang berbakti pada orang tua Berusia panjang dan tak lupa kesejahteraan lahir dan batin Bbu

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Steven & Ika Putri


Website Invitation


587 505 1609
a.n Steven Lau

a.n Ika Putri Khotama