By the Grace of God Almighty,
love brings new meaning to our life, we are honored to share the Joy and happiness with you

Tobias Maximilian Schuh, M.Sc

The second son of
Mr. Thomas Schuh
Mrs. Daniela Schuh


Candice Aphroditta Imanuel, B.Sc

The first daughter of
Mr. Teguh Imanuel
Mrs. Yanti Suryanto

Save The Date


Engagement has been held at La Villa AM Starnberger See, Pocking – Germany, on 25th May 2023


Before Our Special Day
We hope you can be part of it

Share the Moment

Saat acara berlangsung diharapkan dapat membagikan momen berharga kami dengan menggunakan filter instagram spesial pada tombol di bawah ini :

Akan ada hadiah khusus bagi yang membagikan momen paling menarik dengan menggunakan hastag khusus

Virtual Wedding

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :


So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.

Matthew 19:6 ESV

Love Story

20 feb 2018

The First Time we fell in Love...

04 October 2022

The Day we decided to get Married.

Wedding Wish

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Hope God blessing your family forever
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Lifelong happiness together! :))
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Stefanus E.S.
Wishing you a wonderful life together.
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Tobias n Candice
KondanganKuy ?Indonesia
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mimi Susanti
Happy wedding Candice and Tobi, GBU 😍
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Rita Setiawan Cianjur
Mengucapkan selamat n berbahagia buat cucunda Terkasih... Semoga acara nya nanti berjalan lancar dan Indah pada waktunya.. Tuhan memberkati ...
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Daniela & Thomas
Wir wünschen euch, dass das Band der Ehe euch beide so untrennbar verbindet, dass Ihr alles Schwere zusammen tragt, alles Schöne miteinander teilt und die Liebe zueinander nie aus euren Herzen verliert.
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Congrats for the wedding, Candice and partner🥹 ikut seneng dan bahagia!! Dulu masih main sepeda di komplek sekarang udh gede huhu😭 semoga selalu berbahagia di dalam Tuhan ya🤗🤗
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Didi Laksana
Semoga kedua mempelai berbahagia, sukses & diberkati dalam segalanya.
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Berjalan dengan sukses,lancar,aman dan berkah.

Wedding Gift

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below


Thank you for your Support in Prayer


Tobias & Candice

Website Invitation
