God has made everything wonderful in His time.
Wonderful when he unite us, wonderful when He build our love into a holy marriage.

Alvino Jonatan

Son of 
Mr. Low An Tjwan
Mrs. Jo Lusijana


Hillary Marsha Mondoringin

Daughter of 
Mr. Stery J Mondoringin
Mrs. Deasy M Lasut

Event Detail

Wedding Reception


Towards Our Special Day
and we hope that you will be part of our special day

Share the Moment

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Live Streaming Pernikahan

Dikarenakan masa pandemik Covid-19
sehingga kami tidak dapat mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
untuk menghadiri acara kami

Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i tetap dapat menyaksikan acara pernikahan kami yang telah kami siapkan secara live yang dapat dibuka melalui tombol berikut:

With all due respect through the pandemic situation
we invite you to give support in prayer and be present virtually via live streaming :



So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.

Matthew 19:6 (NKJV) -

Love Story

The beginning

Our first acquaintance occurred in 2012, when we were both are teenagers and serving at church.
This condition made us spent a lot of times together. And since we grew up in the same community,
we can barely remember when we got so close until it drew us to some kind of special relationship.

The matter

At the time, we were still so young and didn't have a proper knowledge of relationships or such things.
The closeness that existed in between just created an issue for us. It got worse until grew into a conflict. We even decided not to be friend anymore. Despite our situation we still remain in the same circle. Later on, we realized that the thing we did just made the atmosphere so weird.

The settlement

We decide that we don’t want to be such a stumbling block for everyone. We chose to forgive each other, then got reconciled but at the same time agreed that special relationship is not our thing. This state just made our friendship way better. We then had built a friendship. As the years went by, we found a figure who we admire and so dear to our heart. We have this bond where we could really comfortable just to be who we truly are. But what happened in the past really hold us back from every probability to a romantic way.

New Chapter

When the pandemic hit, the intensity of our communication became higher. It made us started to checked our heart about what is really going on. Various thought take place, such as whether we were just carried away by temporary feelings and emotions. We asked God. What He wants to create with all these feelings and closeness between us, what story He intend to tell through us. Because based on our sense, it is quite impossible for us to enter a relationship.

An answer prayer

Everything was so blurred at that time. But we were given a peace. We felt that God is giving us a chance to become a thing, just if we have the courage to walk with Him in this journey. We discovered the current situation is very different from our past. Even no guarantee of what is going to happened later, in January 2021 with faith we took a commitment to take this relationship to a more serious level and build a Christ-centered kind of relationship.

By faith, not by sight

Though we have known each other for quite long time, still, there are a lot of adjustments needed and processes we have to go through. But this is what we always believe, God brought us this far not to leave us but to show us His eternal grace and mercy. When we put God as the foundation and center of our relationship, we will always be able to endure all things.

Wedding Wish

Happy wedding Marsha & Vino. 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️ Selamat berbahagia buat kalian berdua ya.. 🎉🎊 Tuhan Yesus pasti pimpin dan sertai selalu setiap perjalanan rumah tangga kalian.. Amin. 🙏
Happy wedding kak macamond!! Wishing you lifetime of love and happiness 🥰
So happy to see u guys brighter happier in your pacaran era, Tuhan berkati on your next life chapter
Carolus & Jovita
Congratulation Vino & Marsha.. Happy bisa lihat kalian berdua sampai di tahap ini, semoga pernikahan kalian penuh dengan berkat dan penyertaan Tuhan. Happy wedding for both of you 🤗🎉
Congrats ya Marsha & Vino.. Lancar semua acaranya sampai hari H.. Bahagia & diberkati Tuhan selalu..
Santi teague
Today is your big day. Marsha and Vino congratulations, My prayer your wedding and it will be heavenly marriage with Jesus with you both now and forever. Love you both.
Aaaaa happy weddingg ci marsha n ko pino. Sehat sehat ya kalian, lancar semuanyaaa .... yeayy
Natalia Pangerapan
Happy Wedding Vino dan Marsha,,Bahagia sllu yaa...GBU😇💝🙏
Kel.Sigar - Polak
Happily ever after Marsha and Vino,,God bless for your new family
Martina & partner
Yuhuuu yeaayyyy Congratss Ka Marsha & Ka Vino, happy for you kaa. Hoping you two have a beautiful life and an Endless love story. At toast to love and laughter and a happily ever after. Congrats on your wedding day!♡♡
Yeni & …
Wawwww… congrats kakk, finally bisa jalan di altar pake lagu “wonderfull day” yang udh kamu impiin dari kecil. Selamat menempuh hidup baru kak Marsha & kak Vino bersama papi J❤️ Tuhan pimpin dan sertai keluarga kecil kalian yaaa🫶🏻
Cici 😂
Asekkk,,akhirnya nikah!!wkwk Lancar" ya smpe hari H, Penuh damai sejahtera memasuki chapter baru bersama Tuhan Yesus. God bless!!
Congratulation ko vino & ci marshaaa, lancar lancar sampai hari H, happy selalu yaaa, doa terbaik buat koko dan cici, Tuhan Yesus berkatiii🫶🏻
Happy wedding Vino dan Marsha , bahagia
Leonard Arden & Selvi
Congratulation ya Vino & Marsha dilancarkan sampai dengan hari H dan semoga pernikahan kalian diberkati oleh Tuhan. Bahagia selamanya sampai dengan maut memisahkan. Amin.
Congratulations MaVin aahhhh akhrnyaa kalian menjadi satu, selamat memasuki dunia yg baru bersama Bapa, bahagia selalu kalian, menjadi rumah tangga yg kudus dan menjadi berkat utk orang2 disekitar 🥰🫶🤗
May God bless you both abundantly ya, especially for Kak Mars aku seneng bgt bisa diundang 😭✨
Alfonsus Willfried
Semoga semuanya sehat apapun yang terjadi
Alfonsus Willfried
Semoga semuanya sehat apapun yang terjadi
Alfonsus Willfried
Semoga semuanya sehat apapun yang terjadi
Elvira christie
Happy wedding marsha & vino. Have a blessed wedding yaa 😘😘🥰🥰
Happy Wedding Vino&Marsha! Akhirnya tiba jg saat nya yaaa 🫶🏻 happy to know Marsha as a person, yg cheerfull & sudah berbagi kisah hidup yg seru! Selamat menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga b2, sama-sama membangun nilai yg baru sebagai suami & istri, suka duka dijalani sama", saling mengasihi&menguatkan, hidup berbahagia sampai maut memisahkan amiinnn Selalu di isi dengan canda tawa yaa biar awet muda HAHAHA Marsha's talent bgt deh kalau ini 🥰🤭 God bless!
Selamat ya Marsha & Vino! Semoga persiapan dilancarkan dan pernikahan benuh berkat Tuhan. Selamat melangkah..
Deswita & Faisal
Happy wedding Machamonn dan pasangan. Selalu bahagia dan lancar sampai hari H. ❤️🤗
Semoga menjadi keluarga yang Harmonis, Sakinah, Mawaddah dan selalu diliputi kesehatan sampe akhir nantii❣️
Gandung & Chessa
Happy Wedding Alvino & Marsha, Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together and a love that grows stronger with each passing day
Cheers to the happy Couple 🥂💞 Macamondd & partner. Congratss!! Wishing you nothing but a lifetime of love 💞GBU
Sean & Elina
Happy wedding Alvino and Marsha! Wishing you everlasting love, joy and happiness!
Katarina & Indra
Congratulations lovebirds❤️ Full of God's Blessings for the two of you!
Katarina & Indra
Congratulations lovebirds❤️ Full of God's Blessings for the two of you!
Happy Wedding Ka Marsha & Ko Vino. So happy for you both akhirnya sampai ke jenjang ini. Semoga Tuhan berkati kalian selalu🥰
Nia & Refan
Happy wedding untuk marsha & vino. Bahagia selalu, lancar sampai hari itu tiba dan langgeng terus sampai maut memisahkan🫶🏻😘♥️
Rahel & Deddy
Congrats Vino (not G. Bastian) and Marsha (not Timothy) 💞💞💞 Happily ever after 😘
Nina & Rinaldi
Chaaaa, akhirnya!!❤ Tuhan jaga kalian selalu ya❤🤗
Aaahh akhirnya aku bsa ketemu ko pinoy. After the long time cuma denger ttg orangnya dri pdkt smpe terakhir liat foto prewed di bromo. 😍 after the long journey, finally you got this step. Happy wedding kaka marsha dan koko pinoy😉
Yuhuu finally you are at this step kak, so happy for you, happy wedding, happy new chapter of your life, I wish you and kak Vino will going through the ups and downs together, longlast till the end of your life 🕊️
Happy Wedding Ko Vino & Ce Marsha Terus bersama bahagia dan menua bersama Tuhan berkati pernikahan kko & cc ya ❤️😇
Vera Lisiani Bong
Ciyee cii Marsha.. 😍 Tuhan Yesus yg menyempurnakan sukacita cici dan ko Vino yaa. sehat² teruss, Tuhan Yesus menyertai & memberkati sampai hari H dan seterusnya yaa 😇💖
Yeaayyy.. Congratzz for both of you.. Vino & Marsha ❤️❤️ Dua adek choir ku yg dulu berteman baik dan sekarang Tuhan persatukan kalian. Jesus Bless ur wedding, Jadikan Tuhan Yesus sebagai landasan kasih kalian sampai maut memisahkan yaa.. Sukses & lancar sampai hari H, Happy Wedding & JBU
Daniel Micheal
Congrats Vino & Marsha, Bapa berkati pimpin dalam kalian melangkah setiap hari. Ada kasih karunia Bapa yang selalu diberikan setiap harinya. Jadikan Yesus menjadi center dalam hubungan kalian. Biarlah Firman Kristus menjadi dasar dalam rumah tangga kalian. Happy Wedding Vino & Marsha
Arif & fianty
Woww!! congrats to you guys! the dancers at my wedding are now dancing together on the dais! Biar Tuhan pimpin selalu kehidupan pernikahan kalian! God bless 😘😘
Happy Wedding Achaaa & Vinoo !!! Lancar smpe Hri H .. semuanya diberkati . Dan happy ever and afterr ❤️❤️❤️ Gbuuu
Elizabeth Mitha
Yeayyy! Happy Wedding Ci Marsha & Vinl, Selamat menembuh lembaran baru. Tuhan beri kelancaran untuk setiap sesi acara nya yaa. Tuhan Yesus Memberkati ❤️
Steven & Sisil
C bocil yang bilang cincin jari tangan i sizenya 13 akirnya kasih undangan... so happy for both of you!!!! happy ever after ya maca n vino didoooo.... may God bless you abundantly.. ^.^
Priscilla Wendy
Yeayyyy Finally!!! So happy for you both, lancar2 ya sampai hari H dan seterusnyaaa, may GOD showers your marriage life with unending blessings, Vino and Marshaa ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥.. Cheerssss 🥂
Bella Sutanto
Happy Wedding Vino&Marsha. Damai sejahtera beserta kalian. Dll. Jbu 🥰🎉😇
Richard & Kiki
Happy Wedding Marsha & Vino . Selamat menempuh hidup baru. Tuhan Yesus menyertai kalian sampai hari H dan sampai selama2nya. Selalu sehat untuk kalian dan bahagia sampai tua nanti. God Bless
Diego Nelciano
Happy Wedding acha dan partner ! Longlast ❤️
Meo n Pijin <3
Happy wedding ka aca & ko vino, wishing you a happy and joyfull marriage with love and blessings. Enjoy your new life together, happy to see both of you finally become one. Sending best prayers and wishes from here!
Ria Soraya
Congrats Marsha and Vino! Selamat menjalani hidup yang baru jadi pasangan suami istri, semoga Tuhan pimpin selalu keluarga kalian dan selalu penuh cinta dikeluarga kecil kalian..
Angie and Christ
Semoga jadi keluarga yang bahagia sampai kakek nenekk🥰🥰🥰
Yerika & Partner
Happy Wedding Marsha and Vino🕊️ Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.❤️
David christian
Happy wedding vino & marsha, Selamat menempuh hidup baru, Tuhan Yesus memberkati 🙏
Congrats Vino Marsha... Tuhan pimpin terus tiap langkah kalian, biar kasih Tuhan yg selalu berikan kekuatan buat kalian saling mengasihi dan saling support dlm keadaan apapun. Tuhan genapi juga impian kalian satu per satu, amin.
Elita & Fedora
Happy Wedding Marsha and Vino 💕 Wishing you a happy wedding day and a lifetime filled with love! As you travel the highway of life, bringing joy to each other as husband and wife ❣
Happy Wedding Ko Vino & Ci Marsha! 🥳 Let Jesus be the center of your marriage. May your marriage be filled with God's grace, goodness, and love so that your marriage can be a testimony that God is good🫶.
Ezra & Vivi
selamat menempuh hidup baru Kovino & Cimarsya Lancar sampai hari H. God bless u
Soundgirl gms jkt
SHAAA VINN 🤩🤩 nggak sabar hari H iniii (yg bukan penganten lebih excited😂🥲) sehat2 ya kalian berdua dan seluruh keluarga.. Tuhan yg lancarkan untuk seluruh rangkaian acara yaa 🥹💓
Yuhuuuuu congratulations marsha dan vino 🥰🥰 akhirnya odoh emang gajauh2 dari choir CL jugaaaakkk 🤣 doa terbaikkk buat kalian ya 🤍🥺✨
Yuhuuuuu congratulations marsha dan vino 🥰🥰 akhirnya odoh emang gajauh2 dari choir CL jugaaaakkk 🤣 doa terbaikkk buat kalian ya 🤍🥺✨
Yuhuuuuu congratulations marsha dan vino 🥰🥰 akhirnya odoh emang gajauh2 dari choir CL jugaaaakkk 🤣 doa terbaikkk buat kalian ya 🤍🥺✨
Yuhuuuuu congratulations marsha dan vino 🥰🥰 akhirnya odoh emang gajauh2 dari choir CL jugaaaakkk 🤣 doa terbaikkk buat kalian ya 🤍🥺✨
Yuhuuuuu congratulations marsha dan vino 🥰🥰 akhirnya odoh emang gajauh2 dari choir CL jugaaaakkk 🤣 doa terbaikkk buat kalian ya 🤍🥺✨
Yuhuuuuu congratulations marsha dan vino 🥰🥰 akhirnya odoh emang gajauh2 dari choir CL jugaaaakkk 🤣 doa terbaikkk buat kalian ya 🤍🥺✨
The two of you are meant for each other 🤩 Congratulations on your marriage VinoCha 🤗 I pray that a healthy love of the Lord is what will keep the two of you together,always. May your marriage be fulfilling and filled with His grace 🤍
Adi & fey
Happy wedding Vino & Marsha. Selamat menempuh bahtera rumah tangga bersama Tuhan Yesus. We're excited to see this invitation. So glad for both of you.

Kado Digital

Your kind blessing can be sent to this information below

Alvino Jonatan


We cordially request your presence at the marriage of our beloved children, for it shall be a great honour and happiness for our families.

Blessed family of,

Vino & Marsha


Website Invitation
by Kondangankuy.com
